Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

Dying intestate, or without a will, is very common. If you die without a will, your property will go through probate and is then distributed according to Massachusetts intestacy law.  Intestacy laws govern intestate property. They go into effect unless there is a valid will to testify to the deceased’s wishes or an established estate […]

Estate Tax Planning

What Happens if I Don’t Have a Will? An Introduction to Massachusetts Intestacy Law

When the primary breadwinner dies, his or her surviving spouse, domestic partner and minor children can find themselves without the necessary resources to maintain their current lifestyle. If you find yourself in this position, as a Massachusetts probate lawyer, I can tell you that you do have options. Under Massachusetts laws, you have entitlements in […]


Massachusetts Probate Lawyer: The Person Who Provides for You Suddenly Dies. What Happens to You?

Giving your children and grandchildren the legacy and pride of a family business can keep your nose to the grindstone for decades. Financial security, family harmony, and growing wealth together are some of the benefits of a family business. Legacies are meant to outlive the legacy makers. If you’re a business owner in Massachusetts, don’t […]

Estate Tax Planning

Keep it in the Family: Framingham Estate Planning and Family Businesses

When making an estate plan and Last Will and Testament, many people have a difficult time deciding who should be the Personal Representative (formerly known as the executor) of their estate. Oftentimes, they will consider naming Co-Personal Representatives – two or more people who serve as personal representatives of the estate. Each Co-Personal Representative named […]

Estate Tax Planning

Massachusetts Will and Trust Lawyer: Should My Will Have Co-Personal Representatives?

As a Massachusetts special needs lawyer, I often receive questions about whether a disabled individual can continue to receive benefits after receiving an inheritance. The answer is that it really depends on the type of benefit that is being collected.


Massachusetts Special Needs Lawyer: Will Receiving an Inheritance Cause Me to Lose My Government Benefits?

Recent studies have shown that only a little more than half of all Americans have a Will or Trust document in place to direct their estate after they pass away, and that the vast majority of those documents have not been updated in the last five years. Even worse, it’s been reported that most adult […]


Massachusetts Estate Planning Lawyer: 3 Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

One of the many questions Massachusetts estate planning lawyers get asked is how long is a Power of Attorney in effect. The answer to that question is complicated in the beginning, but very simple at the end: depending on what type of Power of Attorney you have, it may be in effect as soon as […]

Estate Tax Planning

Massachusetts Estate Planning Attorney: What’s the Difference Between a Personal Representative and a Power of Attorney?

There are many misconceptions about what a ‘Will’ does and whether your need one or not.  The short answers is that everyone needs one if they care about where their estate will go after they pass.  The Will is the governing document of your probate estate, after you have passed away.  So what is your […]


A Will does not avoid probate!!

What is the intestacy statute?  It is a statute here in Massachusetts which sets up the rules of how your estate would be passed down, if you died an executed will.  Many people assume “everything will go to my wife” or “I have nothing, so it doesn’t matter.”  However, as we all know, assumptions are […]


Understanding the Intestacy Statute

Buying a new home or a real estate investment property is exciting, but it may come with unintended consequences.  Most people do their due diligence with inspections, hiring real estate attorneys, and getting insurance.  Unfortunately, most people do not think to call their estate planning attorney.  This is a mistake because purchasing real property drastically […]

Estate Tax Planning

Buying real estate? Call your estate planning attorney!

Since Massachusetts has such a low estate tax threshold, many of our clients consider making lifetime gifts to their children in order to lower their estate tax liability upon their death.  However, the decision to do so should not be taken lightly.  There are many serious financial and psychological repercussions to making lifetime gifts.

Estate Tax Planning

To Gift or Not to Gift: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Making Lifetime Gifts

Graduating from high school is a major life event filled with excitement, anticipation, and sometime a little trepidation.  Going off to college is another major life event filled with similar emotions.  While you are packing up your room for college, filling out all the school forms, and picking out your classes, you may also want […]


Calling all high school seniors!

Total Wine and More Cloverleaf Marketplace 321 Speen Street, Natick Come taste some wine while Julie, Lauren, Dave and Dave talk about how to maintain and grow your estate, the difference between good and bad debt, saving and investing, protect your assets and income and how estate planning documents can help you achieve these goals! […]

Estate Tax Planning

Taste some wine and talk about your future – Free Seminar!

Your mother has recently fallen and broken her hip.  Her doctor informs you that it is not safe for her to return home and that she needs to go into a skilled nursing facility.  You get her settled in a nursing home, but soon realize that the monthly cost of nursing home care is going […]


Why You Should Hire an Attorney to Complete a MassHealth Application

As our clients get older, many worry about leaving a legacy for their children.  Some have heard stories of someone they know losing their life savings to the costs of long-term care in a nursing home.  While there are various planning techniques to help shelter assets from the costs of long-term care, a long standing […]

Estate Tax Planning

Key Case Affirms Use of Irrevocable Trusts as Medicaid Planning Tool

The Board of Directors of the Central Mass Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals cordially invites you to a live video stream broadcast – “A Financial Professional’s Ultimate Survival Guide for the Challenging New Fiduciary Landscape”. A distinguished panel will explore the ramifications of the new DOL decision and help advisors comply with […]

Estate Tax Planning

Impact of New DOL Regulations – Society of FSP May Video Teleconference

This Mother’s Day, when you are talking with your spouse, mother, or grandmother, ask them if they have an estate plan?  In addition to legal documents, have they made arrangements for their passing?  Many people do seek legal advice to establish and estate plan, but the planning does not end with the attorney.  After the […]


Happy Mother’s Day! – Ladimer Law Office PC

Many people find an estate planning attorney when they are ready to establish a plan.  They meet with the attorney, develop a plan, review drafts, and then execute the documents which will carry our their plan.  However, many people do not stay in touch with their estate planning attorney.  Life goes on and they think […]

Estate Tax Planning, Ladimer Law News

Save On Legal Fees!

This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to buy a home. There will be lots of great information from the best in the business!

Estate Tax Planning, Ladimer Law News

Free Home Buying Seminar!

Over the past several years, Massachusetts law makers have worked hard to improve the probate code to reflect issues faced by the modern day family.  Once such update created a Pet Trust statute.  Pet Trusts are a specific type of trust that allows you to leave money to be used specifically for the care of […]

Estate Administration

Protecting Your Pets