Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

Every trust has three components, a Settlor (a/k/a donor, trustor, or grantor), a Trustee, and a Beneficiary.  The Settlor creates the trust and transfers the asset to be held in the trust to the Trustee.  The Trustee is an individual (or an institution, such as a bank) who has legal capacity to act as a […]

Estate Tax Planning

What Does It Mean To Be A Trustee?

Medicaid is a federal and state funded program which helps cover the cost of in-home and skilled nursing care for the elderly and the disabled.  However, in today’s economy, the cost of in-home care and skilled nursing care are increasing dramatically, and the number of people who need these services are increasing exponentially.  Therefore, the […]


How Cutting Medicaid Funding May Affect You