Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

When making a big decision, like selling a house, you want someone who knows what they’re doing to help you through the process. There is a lot of money on the line, coupled with the stress of moving itself, and what feels like piles of confusing paperwork to get through. Having someone knowledgeable that specializes […]


4 Things a Real Estate Attorney Does for a Seller in Massachusetts

4 Things Real Estate Attorney Massachusetts

Many of us are caring for aging parents, adult children, or disabled family members, which means being involved in their medical care. During this time, you may need to act as a second set of ears to understand what is going on and the doctor’s’ plans moving forward. This can be difficult on its own, […]


What Happens if a Doctor Won’t Talk to You?

Ladimer Law Health Care Proxy HIPPA

As every good gardener knows, preparation is key. If you put in hard work early in the season, you can sit back and watch it flourish with only a little upkeep. Estate planning is very similar! Putting in the work now, so you can reap the benefits later: Plant the Seed: Get Your Documents DonePlanting […]

Estate Administration

4 Tips for a Flourishing Estate Plan “Garden”

Ladimer Law Estate Planning "Garden"

Right now, the real estate market is booming, with people buying and selling left and right. If you are getting in on the action, now is a great time to get in touch with your estate planning attorney. Owning Property Is A Great Reason To Establish A Trust Buying a house is one of the […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

Buying or Selling Real Estate? It’s Time To Talk To Your Estate Planning Attorney

As tax season comes to a close and that itch for spring cleaning comes back, it is time to get your financial house in order. The best way to do this is to meet with an estate planner and review the components of your financial house. Here are some questions to think about before making […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

Get Your Financial House In Order!

Sending your child off to college comes with a never-ending to-do list and numerous trips to Bed Bath and Beyond. It can be overwhelming. One task that your family should put at the top of the to-do list is to make sure that they are legally ready to be on their own. Now that your […]


What legal documents does your college student need?

legal documents adults need

Estate Plans Help Loved Ones Avoid Probate When someone passes away, they often leave an estate behind. That estate can consist of various types of property that may include little things such as digital accounts, cash, and cars, and larger assets such as stocks, bonds, business interests, and real estate. Someone who has planned ahead […]

Estate Administration

How to Avoid Probate

Protect your assets and avoid probate

Studies show that at least 80 percent of New Year’s Resolutions fail. But that also means that 20 percent of us are successful – read on for our four step plan that will help you to be in that successful 20 percent. Determine how long it will take you to achieve your goal Yo​ur goal may […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

New Year Resolutions: Four Steps for Success (And Some Estate Plan Advice, Too!)

New Year Resolutions Estate Planning Graphic

Social media has opened up amazing new revenue streams for all sorts of creative people. If you’re an influencer, chances are good that you are taking care of business, and working with an attorney to protect your content and your brand. But have you thought about what happens to your brand in the event you […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

Internet Famous? Make Sure You Have an Estate Plan

Social Media Influencer

Do an image search for “estate planning” and you’ll likely see lots of pictures of couples, some young, some older, many with kids. But singles – many without kids – have specific estate planning needs that shouldn’t be ignored. Just because you don’t have a spouse or kids doesn’t mean you don’t have plans for […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

All The Single Ladies… Estate Planning Tips for Singles with No Kids

Estate planning for singles

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way everyone does business. While we still love to see our clients in person, we’ve found that more often, folks ask to conduct their estate planning consult over Zoom. Virtual appointments are different, for sure, but also offer a great opportunity to be more flexible. Still, it’s easy to […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

Preparing for your COVID-Era Estate Planning Consult

Laptop on a desk showing a Zoom estate planning consult

You know it is important to plan for your future: college for the kids, retirement, and security for your family should anything happen to you. We hear all the time that the whole things seems so overwhelming – and often, people just put it off because it just seems so daunting.  But once you’ve decided […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

Financial and Estate Planners: An Important Partnership

Google the phrase “Estate Planning Mistakes” and you’ll see pages of results. Seems like attorneys and financial planners are always telling their clients how to avoid one mistake or another as they put together their estate plan. But in the end, the single biggest mistake you can make is all about what you DON’T do. […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning, Probate Avoidance

The Number One Estate Planning Mistake

Avoid Common Estate Planning Mistakes - A woman wearing flowered shirt, signing documents

Understanding how to protect your assets as you age is a critical component of estate planning.  In addition to navigating estate taxes, beneficiaries, and who will be responsible for your medical decisions should you be unable to make them yourself, it is also critically important to look ahead and think about long-term care coverage as […]

Estate Administration

MassHealth Lien Law and Proactive Estate Planning

Protect your home. Understanding MassHealth Lien Law

If you’re planning a move – or have recently done so – you likely have a lot on your mind, whether its packing and unpacking, purchasing furniture, or finding a new plumber.  One thing you should not let fall through the cracks is your estate plan.    Like other major life changes —the birth of a […]

Estate Administration

If You Recently Moved, You Should Update Your Estate Plan

Feels like summer is just kicking off, but already, we’re seeing back to school displays at Target. For school-aged kids, this means school supplies and backpacks. And for those headed off to college, we’re seeing sales on dorm essentials like bedding, small fridges, and storage bins.  But as you spend the summer planning and anticipating […]


Back to School Essentials: Legal Documents for Young Adults

Close up of someone working on a computer and writing notes in a notebook

While married couples have different priorities than their single counterparts, one thing is certain: anyone – whether they have a family or not – needs to think about estate tax planning. In fact, planning one’s own estate taxes as a single person might be more important than it is for a married couple. Why? As […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

Do I Need to Think About Estate Tax Planning as a Single Person?

Americans are living longer than ever. As we age, there are myriad things we need to think about: downsizing or managing our homes, how we’ll spend our retirement, our finances, who will care for us when we can no longer care for ourselves and more. Long-term care insurance should also be on that list. Even […]

Estate Administration

Should You Consider Long-Term Care Insurance to Protect Your Estate?

Long-Term Care insurance

You’ve often heard that when it comes to gift-giving, it’s the thought that counts. Unsurprisingly, the IRS doesn’t agree. To them, all that matters is that gifts are properly reported and taxed. Gift taxes are only required on gifts of significant financial value, so many people will never have to pay them. But if your […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

What to Know About Lifetime Gifts

Lifetime gifts

Hopefully, you’ll never be in a car accident. You still have car insurance, just in case. And hopefully, you’ll never be incapacitated and be unable to make decisions for yourself—but just in case, you should have a power of attorney and health care proxy. They’re essential estate planning documents for all adults. Even an 18-year-old […]

Estate Administration

What Happens When you Don’t Have a Power of Attorney or Health Care Proxy and You Need Help?