Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

Blended families are becoming more and more common in modern society, yet, estate laws remain largely unchanged and still geared toward a “traditional” family structure.  This poses an issue when it comes to leaving an inheritance for step-children in an estate plan.  Step-children are often not legally adopted by the new spouse, which means they […]


How to Leave Assets to Your Step-Children

This tragic hurricane season and other disasters have taken a toll on many parts of the United States and the Caribbean. They have also taken a toll on the charitable organizations that step in when a crisis hits.  As a will and trust lawyer in Framingham, it is gratifying to meet with clients who want […]

Estate Tax Planning

Rebuilding Communities: How to Designate a Charitable Gift through Your Framingham Estate Plan

Often, when we think of someone having property overseas, we think of George Clooney and his Italian villa or Richard Branson and his private island. However, plenty of everyday Americans own property or assets in other countries, and it may become part of their estates when they pass on. There are special considerations to keep […]

Estate Tax Planning

How to Handle International Assets and Property in Your Middlesex County Estate Plan

It’s entirely possible for someone to have an estate and no one to inherit it when they die. It could be due to not having children of one’s own and no other family. It could also be due to outliving all of one’s relatives, or not having relatives who live in the United States. Whatever […]

Estate Tax Planning

Estate Planning When You Have No Heirs | Greater Boston Will and Estate Lawyer

As a Framingham elder law attorney, I get this question quite a bit. Should I invest in long-term care insurance? The answer is….maybe.  Let me explain. First, you should consider the fact that the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that anyone reaching the age of 65 years has a 40% chance of entering […]


Framingham Elder Law Attorney Answers: Is Long-Term Care Insurance a Good Investment?

Even with the best intentions, most senior citizens don’t plan for a future in which they may be incapacitated. Perhaps they didn’t want to face the prospect of losing autonomy, or perhaps they fell ill before they had a chance to plan. Either way, for those with elder relatives and loved ones who no longer […]


Understanding the Process to Obtain a Conservatorship/Adult Guardianship in Middlesex County

When a child with special needs turns 18, parents must begin to think about sensitive issues such as long-term care planning and how to legally stay in control.  Adult guardianship is one such vehicle that allows parents to have legal and financial authority over their children when their parental rights would otherwise be terminated. Petitioning […]


Framingham Guardianship Lawyer: Pros and Cons of Guardianships for Young Adults with Special Needs

As a Greater Boston Probate Attorney, I’m commonly asked, “What are the most important steps I need to take after the death of a loved one?” While each situation is different, there are eight general tasks that I advise families to start with when attempting to finalize their loved one’s affairs and close out the […]


Greater Boston Probate Attorney Reveals 8 Important Steps to Take After the Death of a Loved One

Unfortunately, family feuds that center around someone’s will or trust are a tale as old as time. Even if this is not something you have personally experienced, you may have heard a few horror stories. As a Framingham will and trust lawyer, I’ve seen it firsthand.  While family squabbles after the death of a loved […]

Estate Tax Planning

Framingham Will and Trust Lawyer: How to Ensure Your Estate Plan Doesn’t Spark a Family Feud

Being a responsible parent is usually associated with bedtime stories with toddlers, homework reminders for grade schoolers and trying to decide whether or not your teenager is responsible enough to drive to school on his or her own. Creating an estate plan for those children is not something we usually associate with responsible parenting, but […]


Greater Boston Will Lawyer Offers Essential Estate Planning Considerations for Parents

Children with special needs, or Children with Special Health Care Needs as defined by the Social Security Act, are eligible to receive a number of government benefits to pay for the aid, care, and services that are available to them. There are many ways a child can qualify as a Child with Special Health Care […]


Massachusetts Special Needs Lawyer: What Benefits Are Available for Children with Special Needs?

Not too long ago, a person who decided to leave an inheritance behind for their pet might be considered eccentric, to say the least. Take, for example, the case of Leona Helmsley: when she died in 2007, she left her dog Trouble an inheritance worth $12 million. While there may have been other factors weighing […]


Framingham Estate Planning Lawyer: Pet Trusts…They’re Not Just for the Rich and Famous

Many people plan for their retirement by using Roth IRAs due to their great tax benefits, but most don’t know that Roth IRAs are also excellent for avoiding probate. First, here are some basics about tax planning with Roth IRAs that Middlesex County probate lawyers typically go over with their clients:   Unlike traditional IRAs […]

Estate Tax Planning

Middlesex County Probate Lawyers: Avoiding Probate with a Roth IRA

The elderly are too often targets of unscrupulous individuals who may try to take an unsuspecting senior’s money. Seniors are especially vulnerable as they become less cognitively able and thus more dependent on other adults. Unfortunately, as a Great Boston Area elder law lawyer, I am sad to say that elder financial abuse is common […]


Greater Boston Elder Law Lawyer: 5 Red Flags of Financial Abuse

When it comes to creating a special needs plan for a loved one with disabilities, it’s the hope that all family members are in agreement and ideally on the same page. But, as a Middlesex County special needs lawyer, I have seen that even if everyone is working together, there can be issues when the […]


Special Needs Lawyer: Special Needs Planning for Divorced Families

A common concern for those who have remarried is that they still want to leave the bulk of their estate to their adult children without abandoning their current spouse. The solution? Create a life estate. A life estate is a tenancy that allows a person to use a property for the rest of their natural […]


Framingham Will Lawyer: A Life Estate Can Prevent Your New Spouse and Adult Kids from Fighting Over Your House When You’re Gone

An estate administrator has a duty to manage the estate and do so in the best interest of the beneficiaries. However, not every administrator acts in good faith, and even when they do, disputes and discrepancies can make a beneficiary want to know exactly where the assets are and where they’re going.   What duty does […]

Estate Tax Planning

Massachusetts Probate Lawyer: Can Beneficiaries Demand a Formal Accounting of an Estate?

Special needs planning in Middlesex County can be daunting if you’re just starting. However, a Middlesex County special needs lawyer can save you the headache of planning and the worry over whether your plan will be executed properly. If you’re new to special needs planning and aren’t sure where to start, check out these do’s […]


Preliminary Do’s and Don’ts for Special Needs Planning in Middlesex County

Dying intestate, or without a will, is very common. If you die without a will, your property will go through probate and is then distributed according to Massachusetts intestacy law.  Intestacy laws govern intestate property. They go into effect unless there is a valid will to testify to the deceased’s wishes or an established estate […]

Estate Tax Planning

What Happens if I Don’t Have a Will? An Introduction to Massachusetts Intestacy Law

When the primary breadwinner dies, his or her surviving spouse, domestic partner and minor children can find themselves without the necessary resources to maintain their current lifestyle. If you find yourself in this position, as a Massachusetts probate lawyer, I can tell you that you do have options. Under Massachusetts laws, you have entitlements in […]


Massachusetts Probate Lawyer: The Person Who Provides for You Suddenly Dies. What Happens to You?