Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

It’s a common story among blended families: an aging parent becomes ill and the parent’s biological children clash with the parent’s spouse. While some of these disagreements are generally small, as a Middlesex County elder law attorney, I have seen numerous times when the disagreements are not only great, but the child also fears for […]


What Can Adult Children Do When Elder Parents Need Help and the Spouse Disagrees?

The number of adult children caring for their elderly parents is growing at a very fast pace. If you are a baby boomer and not already caring for an elderly parent, chances are high that you might be facing this situation soon.  It isn’t always easy to know when, or how, to step in to […]


How to Know When It’s Time to Step in and Care for Your Elderly Loved One


Elder care lawyers in Framingham work with families to prepare for any number of situations in the estate planning process. One circumstance that is especially relevant to elder care law is dementia. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are almost exclusively conditions which appear late in life. Along with the emotional turmoil on the […]


Elder Care Lawyer in Framingham Offers Important Strategies for Dementia Patients