Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

Google the phrase “Estate Planning Mistakes” and you’ll see pages of results. Seems like attorneys and financial planners are always telling their clients how to avoid one mistake or another as they put together their estate plan. But in the end, the single biggest mistake you can make is all about what you DON’T do. […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning, Probate Avoidance

The Number One Estate Planning Mistake

Avoid Common Estate Planning Mistakes - A woman wearing flowered shirt, signing documents

Understanding how to protect your assets as you age is a critical component of estate planning.  In addition to navigating estate taxes, beneficiaries, and who will be responsible for your medical decisions should you be unable to make them yourself, it is also critically important to look ahead and think about long-term care coverage as […]

Estate Administration

MassHealth Lien Law and Proactive Estate Planning

Protect your home. Understanding MassHealth Lien Law

As our clients get older, many worry about leaving a legacy for their children.  Some have heard stories of someone they know losing their life savings to the costs of long-term care in a nursing home.  While there are various planning techniques to help shelter assets from the costs of long-term care, a long standing […]

Estate Tax Planning

Key Case Affirms Use of Irrevocable Trusts as Medicaid Planning Tool