Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

Your last living parent has passed away and you are trying to come to terms with your new orphan status.  It sucks and there is no way around it.  It’s an awful part of life that everyone must go through at some point.  And then you meet with an estate planning attorney, and they tell […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

What to expect if your parents’ estate owes an estate tax

Close up of someone working on a computer and writing notes in a notebook

If you have life insurance, you should also have an estate plan.  One of the first things people do when they have a baby or purchase a home is get life insurance.  Life insurance can cover significant expenses if you pass away and give you peace of mind when thinking about an unexpected death. But […]

Estate Tax Planning, Probate Avoidance, Wills & Trusts

Do you have life insurance?

estate planning attorneys

Learn the benefits of placing your rental property into an LLC in Massachusetts.

Estate Tax Planning, Probate Avoidance

Why Place Your Rental Property into an LLC?

Many times, clients will come to me when their parents pass away and are surprised that we must go through the probate process even though they had done their estate plan, established a trust, and even funded the trust with assets. This came up very recently with a client whose mother had passed away in […]

Estate Administration

How to Help Your Parents Avoid Probate

Ok, here is a question that many prospective clients ask when they call our office to schedule a meeting. Before I meet with a client, I like to have a general understanding of what their estate consists of so that I can make a list of questions. I also like to make a list of […]

Estate Administration

Why Do I Need To Send A List Of My Assets To My Attorney?

Have you heard people saying they just want a simple Will? We get that request all the time! However, simple to one person is not so simple to another. I think to a lot of people a simple will means they want to leave everything to their spouse, and then their kids. And I agree, […]

Estate Administration, Wills & Trusts

What is a Simple Will?

Lots of people establish a trust as part of their estate plan, but that’s only the first step. Next, you have to fund your trust. But what does that mean? It means you must physically take action to move assets to the trust. It means retitling assets in the name of your trust. It means […]

Estate Administration, Wills & Trusts

What is Trust Funding?

We are very passionate about having estate plans that are up-to-date and current with our client’s wishes and goals. As life changes over time, estate plans tend to fall through the cracks. Many clients get such a sense of relief once it is done that they do not want to touch it again for a […]

Estate Administration, Wills & Trusts

Continuing Client Care Program

One of the things that we know is certain in life is death but so few of us actually plan for it. We received feedback that one of the hurdles is the cost of it. Everyone knows they should have one once they get married, buy a home, have a kid, etc., but it’s always […]

Probate Avoidance, Wills & Trusts

Objection to Getting Your Estate Plan Done – Cost!

You don’t need an estate plan – said no estate planning attorney ever. Estate plans aren’t about how much money you have, but about making an easy transition of anything you own to the rightful owners when you pass. Practically speaking, an estate plan is about making it easy for your kids, family members, or […]

Estate Administration

Objection to Estate Planning – Your Own Mortality

This spring my study partner from law school passed away from pancreatic cancer. After college, I worked for three years before starting law school. I got engaged in November of my first year. I lived at home with my parents and commuted to Boston for School. Everyone else seemed to be right out of college. […]


Make the Most Out of Your Time With Your Loved Ones

About a year ago, my office implemented a Continuing Client Care program (C3 for short). The purpose of this was to continue to be of service to our clients. The program includes access to an app on your phone for your documents (who wants to carry around paper when traveling?), discounts on updates to Wills […]

Estate Administration

Why Should You Update Your Power of Attorney and Healthcare Proxy Every Year?

You’ve done your taxes, now it’s time to get your estate plan done! Ugh, tax season is the worst! It’s so much work for the average person. You must compile so many different documents into one place, fill out endless questions from your accountant, and then more likely than not, write a big check or prepare […]

Estate Administration

Tax Season is Over

Getting old sucks. There is no way around it. We can eat as many antioxidants and exercise every day, but the fact of the matter is we all are getting older every day. And we all age at different rates. In the modern days, women have statistically outlived men. Traditionally, the men took care of […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning

Getting Old Sucks

Over the years I’ve heard a lot of people talk about wills and trusts, etc. And don’t get me wrong, I think the legal terminology is really confusing, but I want to clear up some misnomers that I’ve heard in the past. Also, if this article is still confusing after reading it, I highly encourage […]

Estate Administration, Estate Tax Planning, Wills & Trusts

Common Myths About Wills and Estate Planning

Our number one goal is to educate our clients about the probate process, what it is, how it works, and why people want to avoid it — us attorneys included! In Massachusetts, when someone dies, their assets (bank accounts, real estate, retirement, investments, online accounts) need to “go somewhere.” Here is the background: According to […]


How to Avoid Probate

Whether or not your 18-year-old is college-bound, military-bound, or career bound, they are all considered adults in the eyes of the law. What does this mean? It means that you, as their parent, no longer have the right to sit in on doctor appointments, get information about their health or well-being over the phone or […]

Estate Administration

Do you have an 18-year-old?

Here’s a very basic overview of the Massachusetts Estate Tax  This may or may not come as a shock to you, but Massachusetts has one of the lowest estate tax thresholds in the United States. We aren’t called Taxachusetts for nothing! Here is an over simplified explanation of whether or not your family will owe […]

Estate Tax Planning

An Overview of the Massachusetts Estate Tax

I’ve received many calls from prospective clients that start out like this: We are taking a big trip to Disney and the entire family will be on the plane together, we need to update our Wills! So are you planning a big trip with your family? Do you have all your legal documents in order […]

Estate Administration

Are You Going to Disney?


Ok, I get this question A LOT. It holds lots of parents up from getting their estate plan in place to protect their kids. So here is what I tell all of my clients. Don’t think of naming your kids’ guardians as a forever plan. Think of it as a three to five-year plan. Estate […]

Estate Administration

How To Name A Guardian For Your Minor Children