Your trusted resource on Massachusetts estate planning.

Ladimer Law Blog

How Estate Planning Can Save Your Loved Ones From Financial and Emotional Turmoil Later When was the last time you thought about your hot water heater? Unless you’ve had a recent problem, it’s probably been a while. Sure, it will break someday; hot water heaters generally only last 10 to 15 years. But life is […]

Estate Tax Planning

Estate Planning ROI: What’s the cost of NOT planning?

It takes a village to raise a child – so says a famous proverb. Anyone who has helped raise a child knows that saying to be true. Caring for the needs of a person who can’t take care of him or herself is exhausting, stressful and overwhelming. So why do so many adult children find […]


Geriatric Care Managers: Offering the Support You Didn’t Know You Needed

Keep the house or get Mom and Dad the long-term care they need? Some Massachusetts families find themselves in the position of having to choose between the two, thanks to MassHealth regulations. Don’t panic, though; adult children who find themselves in the position of making decisions for their aging parents do have options here in […]


MassHealth and the Lien Law: Protecting Your Aging Parents Without Losing Their Home


Half a century ago, reaching middle age without getting married made a person unusual. Today, being a single adult is totally normal: in 2016, 110.6 million American adults were unmarried, according to Census data. As happily single adults know, remaining unmarried means you get to call all the shots like where you vacation or what […]

Estate Tax Planning

The Importance of Estate Planning for Single Adults

Estate Planning

When it comes to estate planning, most people think of streams of income that are typical, such as current employment, retirement plans, and bank accounts. These obviously need to be included. But, there are other, less obvious types of income that some people forget. When you work with an experienced Massachusetts estate planning attorney, they […]

Estate Tax Planning

Types of Income You May Have Forgotten to Include in Your Will

As a Framingham will and trust lawyer, I’ve worked with many grandparents interested in leaving a legacy behind for their grandchildren. A lot of people are surprised when I tell them they could be causing more harm than good if they aren’t careful.

Estate Administration

Be Careful When Leaving Assets to Underage Beneficiaries

Adding your child to your bank account seems like common sense so they can help with paying bills. This is convenient, but what people often don’t realize is that the child will have more authority than to just sign checks. Adding your child to your bank account means that they legally own half of the […]

Estate Administration

Thinking of Adding Your Child to Your Bank Account? Just Don’t Do It.

It’s a common story among blended families: an aging parent becomes ill and the parent’s biological children clash with the parent’s spouse. While some of these disagreements are generally small, as a Middlesex County elder law attorney, I have seen numerous times when the disagreements are not only great, but the child also fears for […]


What Can Adult Children Do When Elder Parents Need Help and the Spouse Disagrees?

When working with clients as a Framingham will and trust lawyer, many of them are surprised to hear that they need to designate Powers of Attorney even if they are married. They assume their spouse can handle everything if something happens, but this is not usually the case.


Framingham Will and Trust Lawyer Warns: “Spouses Need Powers of Attorney, Too”

Massachusetts estate planning attorneys know, a divorce changes everything. If you are in the process of divorce or just finishing up, you are most likely busy trying to readjust to your new life. Although it’s a hectic time, it is important that you do not forget that you need to update your estate plan. Here […]


Critical Post-Divorce Estate Planning Checklist | Massachusetts Estate Planning Attorneys

When most people think about estate planning, they picture money and property. But, as a Framingham will and trust lawyer, I see more and more people adding intangible assets to their estate plan. Intangible assets might be things that have no monetary value, but are nonetheless important to the family. They may include personal letters, […]


Creative Ways to Leave “Intangible Assets” To Your Loved Ones

Are you planning for your children’s future? Picture this – you get an opportunity to spend some alone time with your spouse. What do you do to prepare for date night? You carefully select a babysitter. Then, you write detailed instructions; when to feed the baby, how often to change diapers, what snacks are allowed…and […]


You Plan for Date Night – But Not for Your Kids Future?!

Unfortunately, many parents of children with special needs wait until their child turns 18 to consider creating a Special Needs Trust. Sometimes, they even wait until their child eventually needs government benefits like SSI or Medicaid. However, Special Needs Trusts do a lot more than just protect the beneficiary’s access to government benefits and should […]


Special Needs Trusts Protect Government Benefits and MUCH More

The number of adult children caring for their elderly parents is growing at a very fast pace. If you are a baby boomer and not already caring for an elderly parent, chances are high that you might be facing this situation soon.  It isn’t always easy to know when, or how, to step in to […]


How to Know When It’s Time to Step in and Care for Your Elderly Loved One


Elder care lawyers in Framingham work with families to prepare for any number of situations in the estate planning process. One circumstance that is especially relevant to elder care law is dementia. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are almost exclusively conditions which appear late in life. Along with the emotional turmoil on the […]


Elder Care Lawyer in Framingham Offers Important Strategies for Dementia Patients

Unless you were living under a rock, you most likely heard about the tax reform bill that was passed by Congress and signed by the President over the holidays. One big change that came out of it was the doubling of the exemption amount for federal estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer taxes. Beginning in 2018, […]

Estate Tax Planning

Framingham Estate Planning Attorney: Learn Why the New Federal Estate Tax Exemption Doesn’t Give You an Estate Planning “Pass”

Like many Americans, your home is probably your largest asset. However, if you have children who have grown and moved away, you’re left with an empty nest, quiet and big. You may be torn between keeping the house and passing it to your children someday, or selling it. On one hand, it may be the […]


Sell the House, or Keep It for the Kids?

Probate lawyers in Middlesex County are well aware of the hassles and headaches that families face when a loved one’s estate goes into probate.  The process can drag out, eating up not just time but also resources that would have otherwise gone to beneficiaries.  Appointed executors find themselves with burdensome responsibilities that can compound their […]


Probate Tips for Getting Through the Process Faster and with Less Hassle in Middlesex County

The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, which was created by Congress in 2014, allows people with disabilities and their families to save up to $100,000 in accounts for the benefit of a disabled person. The funds can be saved without jeopardizing the individual’s eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and other government […]


Massachusetts Special Needs Lawyer: You Can Now Save More Money in ABLE Accounts in 2018

Longer lives are among the greatest achievements of our modern era. Advances in healthcare and other progress related to human safety have resulted in what the United Nations says is one of the most significant social transformations of the 21st century. However, with the success of longer lives come problems that catch most of us off-guard. […]


The Dangers of Denial – Why You Need to Plan for Long-Term Care for Your Parents in Middlesex County